Series inspired by cyber punk novel Burning Chrome by William Gibson.
head piece Sylvia Batycka
make up Elizabeth Hsieh
projection Marc Czerwiec

advertising image for brand Illamasqua
make up by Sharon Dowsett

advertising for an exhibition in Science Museum

styling by Irene Darko

brand advertising

campaign image for a jewellery brand
hair and make up by Elizabeth Hsieh

Model - Portia van de Braam
Styling - Irene Darko
Make up - Elizabeth Hsieh
Hair - Ryutaro

make up by Elizabeth Hsieh

advertising for a brand

advertising for a perfume
make up by Alex Box

campaign image

make up by Sharon Dowsett

advertising for Qatar based gym

advertising for Qatar based gym

advertising for Ravensbourne University

make up by Alex Box

advertising for a brand Aftershock in London

cover of the magazine GALA





Series inspired by cyber punk novel Burning Chrome by William Gibson.
head piece Sylvia Batycka
make up Elizabeth Hsieh
projection Marc Czerwiec
advertising image for brand Illamasqua
make up by Sharon Dowsett
advertising for an exhibition in Science Museum
styling by Irene Darko
brand advertising
campaign image for a jewellery brand
hair and make up by Elizabeth Hsieh
Model - Portia van de Braam
Styling - Irene Darko
Make up - Elizabeth Hsieh
Hair - Ryutaro
make up by Elizabeth Hsieh
advertising for a brand
advertising for a perfume
make up by Alex Box
campaign image
make up by Sharon Dowsett
advertising for Qatar based gym
advertising for Qatar based gym
advertising for Ravensbourne University
make up by Alex Box
advertising for a brand Aftershock in London
cover of the magazine GALA